This month you have an opportunity to experience a powerful shift from self-limiting beliefs and defensive patterns into curiosity, creativity and deep intuitive trust. There's a LOT going on this month, so be sure to listen into the themes and bookmark this episode!
✨ Confident, clear, and empowered - your journey starts here
✨ This is THE year to strengthen your intuition, learn how to hear it, trust it, and follow it - do it here (mentioned in the episode)
✨ Use Stephanie's proprietary 5-step "Trigger-Free" process to move through your own dust-devils this month here (mentioned in the episode)
✨ Want a FREE dose of magic to your email inbox? Get on the magical subscriber-only list now: Get on the magical list here ✨
✨ Follow Stephanie on IG @stephaniezellerspeaks
✨ Follow Stephanie's other podcast Conversations on Expansion on Apple here or Spotify here
✨ Follow Stephanie's other podcast Awake with Stephanie Zeller which includes advanced teachings on your journey of awakening
DISCLAIMER: I am not a therapist, nor am I offering medical advice or suggesting any treatment in this or any other episode. The information I share is for informational purposes only. Please see further terms and disclaimer here.
For years I was a slave to the notion that I had to justify and explain myself to everyone.. Since freeing myself from the...
“A human being is a part of the whole, called by us the ‘Universe’.. He experiences himself, his thoughts and feelings as something separated...
2024 is going to be SO different from 2023! Listen in to learn the 4 major themes you will be experiencing this year, along...