07: Overcome 3 Hidden Biases That Are Blocking Your Happiness – Mindset Shift

Episode 7 July 20, 2021 00:25:52
07: Overcome 3 Hidden Biases That Are Blocking Your Happiness – Mindset Shift
The Magic of Transformation w/ Stephanie Zeller
07: Overcome 3 Hidden Biases That Are Blocking Your Happiness – Mindset Shift

Jul 20 2021 | 00:25:52


Show Notes

Are you happy? Deeply, truly, happy? What can we do if we aren’t?


+ What are beliefs and biases (04:11)

+ 3 Biases that are interfering with your happiness (05:18)

+ Why these biases matter and how they’re controlling us (09:38)

+ The most important step to start being happy (11:41)

+ The mistake a lot of people make when they try to increase happiness (12:05)

+ 3 Tools to be happy (15:14)

+ Is something “wrong” with you if you aren’t happy? Should you just learn to be happy with what you have? (21:19)

+ Your next critical step to changing your reality (23:20)

+ The advantage of acknowledging unhappiness instead of pretending you’re happy when you aren’t (25:40)


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