+The message I needed to hear/talk about today and maybe the message you needed to hear too
+Insights into the tipping point of transformation
+What happens when you hit the tipping point of transformation
+The push vs pull of transformative journey’s
+The one major integral part of transformation that we often forget to engage in
+When positivity can be a little toxic
+The 3 most critical steps that need to be taken in order to feel good
✨Check out all of Stephanie's courses at thetransformationschool.com
✨Sign up for the The Magic Dose
Here, in this episode, are 3 specific messages you need to hear today. Get on the private list for a Weekly Doses of Magic:...
“Remember, saying whatever we want, whenever we want, however we want, is not freedom. Real freedom is not feeling the need to say these...
IN THE EPISODE: Does real love involve sacrificing ourselves? How society and religion can sometimes make us feel broken or wrong Why it might...